Revised 5 Feb. 2023
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Anacanthobatis von Bonde & Swart 1923 ἀ-, Greek privative, i.e., without; acantho-, from ákantha (Gr. ἄκανθα), thorn, referring to smooth skin; batís (Gr. βατίς), a flat fish, usually applied to a skate or ray
Anacanthobatis marmorata (von Bonde & Swart 1923) Latin for marbled, referring to profuse mottling of very small, round white spots
Indobatis Weigmann, Stehmann & Thiel 2014 Indo-, prefix for India or Indian Subcontinent, referring to its distribution in the western Indian Ocean; batís (Gr. βατίς), a flat fish, usually applied to a skate or ray
Indobatis ori (Wallace 1967) acronym of the Oceanographic Research Institute (Durban, South Africa), where Wallace worked
Schroederobatis Hulley 1973 patronym not identified but clearly in honor of American ichthyologist William C. Schroeder (1895–1977), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, junior author of S. americana; batís (Gr. βατίς), a flat fish, usually applied to a skate or ray
Schroederobatis americana (Bigelow & Schroeder 1962) –ana (L.), belonging to: America, referring to its distribution off the Atlantic coasts of Central and South America
Sinobatis Hulley 1973 Sino-, prefix for Sinica (China), probably referring to South China Sea distribution of S. melanosoma and S. borneensis; batís (Gr. βατίς), a flat fish, usually applied to a skate or ray
Sinobatis andamanensis Last & Bussarawit 2016 –ensis, Latin suffix denoting place: Andaman Sea, northeastern Indian Ocean, type locality
Sinobatis borneensis (Chan 1965) –ensis, Latin suffix denoting place: Borneo, referring to type locality near Sarawak, Borneo, in the South China Sea
Sinobatis brevicauda Weigmann & Stehmann 2016 brevis (L.), short; cauda (L.), tail, referring to its much shorter tail compared with other species in the family
Sinobatis bulbicauda Last & Séret 2008 bulbus (L.), a swelling; cauda (L.), tail, referring to flattened expansion of tail near its tip
Sinobatis caerulea Last & Séret 2008 Latin for dark blue, referring to blue dorsal and ventral coloration
Sinobatis filicauda Last & Séret 2008 filum (L.), thread; cauda (L.), tail, referring to thread-like tail tip
Sinobatis kotlyari Stehmann & Weigmann 2016 in honor of ichthyologist Alexander Kotlyar (b. 1950), P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, who collected holotype in 1979; through his “kind assistance” the authors were able to “reconstruct and verify from his original logbook” the type locality
Sinobatis melanosoma (Chan 1965) mélanos (Gr. μέλανος), genitive of mélas (μέλας), black; sṓma (Gr. σῶμα), referring to its dorsally blackish to blackish-brown disc
Sinobatis stenosoma (Li & Hu 1982) sténos (Gr. στένος), narrow; sṓma (Gr. σῶμα), body, referring to its long and narrow disc
Springeria Bigelow & Schroeder 1951 –ia (L. suffix), belonging to: American ichthyologist Stewart Springer (1906–1991), for his “productive studies of the elasmobranchs of Florida and the Gulf [of Mexico]”
Springeria folirostris Bigelow & Schroeder 1951 foli-, from folium (L.), leaf; rostris, Neo-Latin scientific adjective of rostrum (L.), snout, referring to the “peculiar” leaf-like extension at the end of its snout
Springeria longirostris (Bigelow & Schroeder 1962) longus (L.), long; rostris, from rostrum (L.), snout, referring to its longer snout compared with Schroederobatis americana, its presumed congener at the time