Family DICHICHTHYIDAE White, Stewart, O’Neill & Naylor 2024 (Bristle Sharks)

Updated 30 May 2024
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Dichichthys Chan 1966 dícha (Gr. δῐ́χᾰ), to branch in two, described as intermediate between the Galeus-Parmaturus complex and Apristurus (all genera placed in Scyliorhinidae at the time); ichthýs (Gr. ἰχθύς), fish

Dichichthys albimarginatus (Séret & Last 2007) albus (L.), white; marginatus (L.), bordered, referring to broad white margins on posterior fins

Dichichthys bigus (Séret & Last 2007) Latin for beige, referring to general plain and pale yellow-brown coloration

Dichichthys melanobranchus Chan 1966 mélanos (Gr. μέλανος), genitive of mélas (μέλας), black; branchus, from bránchia (Gr. βράγχια), gills, referring to blackish color on gill septa

Dichichthys nigripalatum (Fahmi & Ebert 2018) nigri, from niger (L.), black; palatum (L.), palate, referring to distinctive blackish color of roof of mouth

Dichichthys satoi White, Stewart, O’Neill & Naylor 2024 in honor of Keiichi Sato (Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium), whose “extensive work on the taxonomy of deepwater catsharks has been crucial for the field”; in particular, Sato was the first to determine that D. (formerly Parmaturus) melanobranchus was not congeneric with other Parmaturus species