Family PAEDOCYPRIDIDAE Mayden & Chen 2010 (Tiny Carps)

Revised 4 Feb. 2023
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Paedocypris Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte 2006 paídeios (Gr. παίδειος), boyish or childish (authors say “children”), being a paedomorphic (i.e., neotenic or “larval”) fish; cypris, a common suffix for small cyprinoid genera, derived from Cyprinus (Common Carp)

Paedocypris carbunculus Britz & Kottelat 2008 Latin for the gemstone ruby, referring to this fish’s reddish coloration in life

Paedocypris micromegethes Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte 2006 micro-, from mikrós (Gr. μικρός); megethes, from mégethos (Gr. μέγεθος), size, greatness or magnitude, referring to its small size, up to 11.6 mm SL

Paedocypris progenetica Kottelat, Britz, Tan & Witte 2006 Latin for progenetic, referring to how members of genus accelerate sexual maturation relative to the rest of their development, leading to dwarfed adults with larval features