Family LEPIDARCHIDAE Melo & Stiassny 2024 (Niger Tetra and Jellybean Tetra)

Updated 30 Dec. 2024
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Arnoldichthys Myers 1926 named for German aquarist Johann Paul Arnold (1869–1952), who sent types of A. spilopterus to George A. Boulenger; ichthýs (ἰχθύς), fish

Arnoldichthys spilopterus (Boulenger 1909) spot-finned, from spílos (Gr. σπίλος), mark or spot; ptera, from pterón (Gr. πτερόν) or ptéryx (πτέρυξ), fin, referring to large black spot on dorsal fin

Lepidarchus Roberts 1966 lepίs (Gr. λεπίς), scale; archós (Gr. ἀρχός), anus, referring to presence of one cycloid scale on either side of anterior part of anal-fin base [not to be confused with Lepidarcus Marshall 1948 in Insecta]

Lepidarchus adonis Roberts 1966 Adonis, from Greek mythology, a beautiful youth beloved by Venus, “because the males are handsome” (Tyson R. Roberts, pers. comm.)

Lepidarchus adonis signifer Isbrücker 1970 signum (L.), mark; –fer, from fero (L.), to have or bear, referring to horizontal, straight, dark-brown bar and dark-brown spot on anal fin of males, absent on the nominate form