Family LACANTUNIIDAE Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson & Lundberg 2005 (Chiapas Catfish)

Updated 5 May 2024
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Lacantunia Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson & Lundberg 2005ia (L. suffix): belonging to: Río Lacantún, Chiapas, México, type locality

Lacantunia enigmatica Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson & Lundberg 2005 Latin for baffling or inexplicable, referring to its unexpected discovery in 1996 (a large fish commonly caught and eaten by locals yet overlooked by ichthyologists in a relatively well-explored river system) and obscure relationships and origin (at time of description, it could not be placed within or as a basal sister lineage to any known catfish family; subsequent studies based on molecular evidence has shown it to be the sister group to Claroteidae, an African family)